The median home value, at time of post, in the City of Flowery Branch is $154,900. Flowery Branch home values have gone up 9.5% over the past year and are expected to rise 2.6% within the next year.
The median list price per square foot in Flowery Branch is $109, which is lower than the Gainesville Metro average of $119. The median price of homes currently listed in Flowery Branch is $254,900 while the median price of homes that sold is $160,500.
-Homes Currently For Sale In The City Of Flowery Branch
-Townhomes and Condos Currently For Sale In The City Of Flowery Branch
-JUST Listed In The City Of Flowery Branch
-Foreclosures & Short Sales In The City Of Flowery Branch
- Total Area Size Of Flowery Branch: Total Land 6.32 sq mi
- Population (2010) : 5,679 residences
- Zip code : 30542
There are many historic buildings located in downtown Flowery Branch dating back to the late 1800's. The Main Street strip has several specialty and antique shops. Lake Lanier is another main attractions in Flowery Branch to which there are several accessible parks to enjoy swimming, boating, camping or just taking in the scenery. Flowery Branch is also home to the Atlanta Falcons football team.